Contract Tendering

Rest easy in the knowledge that your business is enjoying the most competitive contracts

In order to achieve long term success in any business, no matter the size or industry, securing appropriate and economically advantageous contracts is absolutely essential. That’s where Consultiv Utilities comes in.

With years of combined experience under our belt, our team of procurement experts are on hand to negotiate the best contracts for both your budget and your requirements. We act independently of any supplier, meaning our only priority is making sure your organisation gets the very best deal. Using our market analysis insight and negotiation skills, we will make sure you enter the market at the best moment, securing the right deal for your business.

Get in touch with Consultiv Utilities today

Whether you are a small, medium or large business, Consultiv Utilities is here to help you make the most of your energy. We have the connections, expertise and experience to help you find the right contract for your energy needs. With authorisation to act on your behalf, we will can get to know your business and find the most superior contracts options available, working with you to decide which option is best for your business.

In recent years, the energy market has become a minefield, and it’s all too easy to fall victim to sharp price rises or contracts that tie you in without meeting your organisation’s needs.

We want to take all of this hassle and worry away from you, giving you the peace of mind you need to concentrate on running your business. We will even contact you when your contract is up for renewal, and help you reduce both your consumption and carbon footprint.

Our contract tendering services

Enjoy a comprehensive set of contract tendering services from Consultiv Utilities, including:

  • Analysis of your energy usage and supply needs and a comprehensive tendering plan agreed by you
  • Assistance with all utilities including gas, electricity, water, oil, fuels and environmental products
  • Wholesale energy market drivers monitoring, as well as overviewing prices to determine the best point of market entry
  • Access to our exclusive and tailored terms and conditions to deliver operational and financial benefits
  • Invitation to Tenders (ITTs) sent out to an agreed range of suppliers that meet your requirements and our quality control criteria
  • Inclusion of any client specific requirements in these ITTs, such as AMR, payment terms and green energy
  • Pre-negotiated and risk managed flexible procurement solutions used to generate further financial and operational benefits for your business
  • Management and monitoring of compliance for supply contracts, upholding supplier performance levels on behalf of our clients
  • Taking responsibility for all site objections and registrations for your peace of mind

Ready to get more from your energy?

Seek out the support you need from Consultiv Utilities

If you’d like more information on how Consultiv Utilities can help you take control of your energy supply, reach your sustainability goals, and save money in the long term, get in touch with our experts today. We’ll take the mystery out of effective energy management.

Ready to get more from your energy?

Get in touch


Our Services

Buying solutions

Optimisation Solutions

Sustainability solutions