Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting

Helping organisations to cut costs and demonstrate control over energy consumption to meet with UK compliance requirements

SECR is a mandatory annual requirement for large organisations in the UK. It requires the public disclosure of energy usage and carbon emissions within their directors’ annual report.

Who qualifies?

Qualification follows the Companies Act 2006 definition of a “large organisation”, which requires at least two of the following criteria within a financial year to qualify:

  • 250 employees.
  • Annual turnover of at least £36m.
  • Annual balance sheet of at least £18m.

SECR: What you need to know

SECR was brought in by the department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy in 2019 to encourage large organisations to adopt energy efficiency measures and adopt a net zero strategy. While it is important to note that there are substantial financial penalties for businesses that fail to comply with the regulation, we prefer to help organisations see SECR as an opportunity to improve their environmental credentials and save money in the process.

Not sure if you need to comply?

Why is SECR necessary?

Due to mounting pressure on the UK to meet carbon emissions targets, the government launched SECR to ensure that there is accountability amongst larger businesses for their role in climate change.

Some may wonder why SECR is necessary when ESOS already exists, but the Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme only applies to larger entities under the EU definition, and only requires reporting every four years. As such, ESOS alone cannot be relied upon to generate the year-on-year carbon savings required to accurately monitor the changes to the climate.

SECR provides frequent and accurate carbon reporting. This streamlines multiple financial and carbon reports, making it easier to mitigate emissions and achieve lower carbon levels from businesses.

Any large business that meets at least two of the following criteria automatically qualifies for SECR:

  • 250+ employees
  • An annual turnover of at least £36 million
  • An annual balance sheet of at least £18 million

These businesses must report their energy use and greenhouse gas emissions, or else face the risk of fines and civil penalties.

Achieving SECR with Consultiv Utilities

Achieving SECR might seem like a mammoth task, but Consultiv Utilities can help you break it down and complete the necessary steps with ease. We’ll help you make sense of your energy consumption, and show you ways to lower your energy use, cut your costs, and lower your organisation’s carbon emissions.

With years of experience in the energy and utilities sector, we can help you take control of your energy emissions, helping you to reduce your carbon footprint and save money in the process.

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