The Consultiv Utilities Way…

What paves the The Consultiv Utilities Way?

Core values are what support the vision, shape the culture and reflect what the company values.  They are the essence of the company’s identity – the principles, beliefs, or philosophy of values.

Core values help companies in the decision-making processes. They can educate clients and potential customers about what the company is about, and clarify the identity of the company. Lastly, our core values play a major role in recruiting and retaining good employees.

Roy Disney once said, “It’s not hard to make decisions when you know what your values are.”

We believe in


We take pride in providing high-value products and services that we stand behind, which ensures customer satisfaction, profitability and the future of our employees and our growth.


At Consultiv, teamwork is vital for success. We feel, act and behave as one big team. It captures our desire to foster an engaging and inclusive workplace. The complexity of our work also means that we rely on teamwork, only collaborative efforts. This value helps create an environment where everyone feels connected, enabling collective intelligence.


To us, respect for the individual means that every person is of equal value. We make it a priority to treat our colleagues and our customer with respect. We become much stronger together than anyone of us could hope to be on our own. There is truly no limit to what we’re able to accomplish together, exactly the way it should be.


We are an organisation that truly believes that the best teams are created when focusing on equality and diversity. We believe in the equal value of each individual, and their right to equal opportunities. Embracing diversity engenders efficient teams, facilitating the work of people with different mindsets and perspectives. Our belief in regards to our core values, is the very foundation upon which we develop and improve Consultiv Utilities as an organisation.


We strive for simplicity in all things: our product, our marketing, our processes, our business model, and our office space. It’s easy to layer on complexity, but achieving simplicity requires ruthless editing. The result is solutions that are beautiful in their efficiency and clarity, easier to understand wholly, easier to translate to different situations and scales, and easier to change later.


People who are passionate about what they do love coming to work each day; they love the challenge.  They also possess a high energy level, demonstrate a positive attitude and exceed standards of excellence.  Lastly, people with passion are continually growing personally and professionally.

The Consultiv Utilities way

We believe, say and do as a team at Consultiv Utilities. These core values shape every business decision and influence our day-to-day work as we strive to maintain the highest standards.

Get in touch

If you would like to speak to one of our energy experts to see how we may be able to assist your company in sourcing an energy contract to best suit your business requirements, please contact us at [email protected] or you can view more information on our procurement solutions here.