Many of you asked, so we answered!

Here at Consultiv Utilities, we believe this summer calls for a new way of doing things.

It’s time to ask all those important questions: Does your current energy provider satisfy your needs as a customer? Should you be considering your carbon footprint? Should you be going green and saving more energy? We’re here to answer those questions for you and give you some valuable reasons as to why you should choose us.


We implement a ‘consultiv’ approach to gain an intimate understanding of your energy objectives.

Whichever business you are a part of – large or small, we have something for everyone. We specialise in building bespoke risk management, optimisation, and compliance strategies. As well as helping small businesses easily manage their energy too.

Different businesses have different requirements, so we’re here to help you choose a service that will help you to see potential savings.

We proactively handle your renewals, to better inform you of purchasing and budget protection.


Life already has too many complications, and sometimes, energy just simply isn’t at the top of anyone’s to-do list, which is why we like to keep things simple whilst you get started.

Our friendly agents make it super easy for you, hassle-free when it comes to your account with help when you need it. Simply get a quote today on our handy contact form


Yes, we do! Using Lead ESOS Assessors, energy managers and carbon footprints consultants, Consultiv Utilities, with their partner Sustainable Footprints, will ensure that you are compliant with your operational and non-financial, legal, statutory, regulatory and voluntary obligations.

Need any more information on why Consultiv Utilities is ideal for you and your business?

Give us a call on (0191) 250 5557 or complete our handy contact form and we will be in touch.

You can also find us on LinkedIn, Facebook to stay updated on any news or services.

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