What is it really going to take to get organisations to net zero carbon?

Sustainability is essential for organisations across all industries as we race to tackle the climate emergency. So, here are some of the steps you should be taking

Global temperatures are on the rise – as has been well documented in recent years. In response, world leaders and businesses alike are pledging to cut carbon emissions in an effort to protect the planet from irreversible climate catastrophe.

A significant part of the pledges set out by governments around the globe are coming in the form of the UN’s Race to Zero Campaign. This is the world’s largest alliance of businesses, regions, cities, investors and leading universities. The campaign enlists these organisations to pledge to eliminate their net carbon emissions by 2050.

This is undoubtedly a tough goal. But it’s one that every business needs to be aiming for. Here’s what your business should be doing in order to prepare for Net Zero.

Devise a Net Zero plan

At COP26 it was announced that UK-listed companies would be required to release their Net Zero plans by 2023. This means devising an achievable and effective strategy to reduce business carbon emissions, and the first step to completing this is understanding how much carbon you’re currently emitting.

There are numerous free online calculators designed to help you measure your carbon emissions, which in turn can help you implement a targeted strategy to reduce them.

Inspect your supply chain

Businesses are rarely one-person – or even one-organisation – operations. There are numerous parties involved even in small businesses, and every link in the supply chain needs to pull their weight when it comes to sustainability.

In order for your business to really commit to going green, you’ll need to review your entire supply chain. This includes your energy supplier, your food and materials suppliers, IT supplies, cleaning companies, accountants and more. Doing business with other sustainability-focused organisations can give you the push needed to help you meet your green goals.

Take steps to improve efficiency

In order to meet your sustainability goalposts between now and 2050, you’ll need to take active steps to reduce your carbon emissions and improve your business’s energy efficiency.

These steps include switching to greener energy tariffs, investing in solar power, relocating to premises with better EDF ratings, using efficient appliances and technology in your business, installing low-energy LED lighting and temperature controls, and switching off lights and devices when not in use.

Offset emissions

While businesses should be aiming to reduce their carbon emissions, it’s important to note that some emissions are unavoidable – as in the case of travel and shipping. That’s why it’s important to offset necessary emissions by investing in carbon credits and carbon offsetting schemes, such as renewable energy projects and rewilding.

You should also encourage greener travel in your business where possible, such as walking, cycling, car-sharing schemes and flexible remote working.

Analyse your plastic and paper footprints

Plastic pollution is one of the leading factors contributing to the climate crisis, so any business Net Zero plan must consider plastic and paper footprints in order to be as efficient and sustainable as possible. Aim to eliminate single-use plastic and introduce paperless communications in your business, as well as reducing, repurposing and recycling what you use.

Seek out professional support

Mastering the energy market and sustainability for your brand can feel like a mammoth task, but there are experts on hand to help you make sense of the energy landscape and take steps towards energy efficiency. With years of experience under our belts, Consultiv Utilities can help you master your energy management, find the most competitive costs, and hit your sustainability goals. We’ll take a holistic look at your business to determine what steps are necessary for you to make the most of your energy.

Reach out to a member of our team today and find out how we can help you. Get in touch with the team at Consultiv Utilities.