Promoting sustainability within your organisation

sustainability in your organisation

Promoting sustainability within your organisation matters more than ever in 2022. Both as individuals and businesses we all have a responsibility to play our part in combatting climate change and taking steps to be a little greener in the hope that the future of the planet looks a little brighter.

Whatever the size of your organisation and whichever sector it serves, you can promote sustainability to realise a long list of business-centric benefits. By enhancing your company’s environmental credentials, you can protect your brand for the long term, drive change and ultimately safeguard the planet and its people.

Thankfully, you don’t have to sacrifice profits or minimise success by putting sustainability first. Here are just some of the ways you can promote sustainability within your organisation to protect the future of our planet and ensure even better business.

Choose greener ways to travel

Green travel is rising in popularity across many industry sectors. Companies everywhere are realising that changing the way employees get to and from the workplace, as well as travel for business purposes, is a meaningful and positive step in the right direction.

Cycle to Work schemes and the employee benefits unlock great ways to launch your green travel initiative within your organisation. Altering business practices to accommodate wider use of video conferencing and other technology-based collaboration tools is another simple route to reducing business travel and working more sustainably on a daily basis.

Organisations that provide company cars to their workers should also consider going electric. The use of EVs (electric vehicles) is not only great for the planet, it unlocks various tax benefits for the company.

Reuse, recycle and remove single use

Single-use products like throwaway cups, coffee pods, disposable cutlery and plastic packaging have become ingrained in everyday life and office culture, a fact that means single-use plastic waste is a major issue for the environment.

Switching single-use items for more sustainable alternatives is often as simple as substituting plastic teaspoons with metal ones, but the positive impact can have far-reaching effects for the planet. By swapping single-use for reusable and recycling as much as possible, you can reduce your organisation’s carbon footprint dramatically.

Make your move to green energy

Increasing your company’s energy efficiency is easier than ever thanks to the abundance of innovative green technologies available. Smart lighting, thermostats, heating system timers and larger-scale renewable energy systems like solar PV panels, solar thermal energy, heat pumps and biomass systems can all be used to produce green energy and regulate your consumption.

After the initial installation, you can look forward to lower energy costs. You could even make a return on your investment in the long term depending on the renewable energy technology you install.

Offset your carbon emissions

Achieving the ultimate goal of becoming completely carbon neutral may be a long way off, but by making changes to business practices to support sustainability now you can do your bit to tackle climate challenges on a bigger scale.

For carbon emissions that can’t be completely neutralised, offsetting initiatives offer the opportunity to give something back. Offset emissions which can’t be lowered by supporting green projects that help bring balance and build a more sustainable future for us all.

Need help with your business energy contracts and consumption? Get in touch with the team at Consultiv Utilities today.

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