How to optimise your office energy usage

Office environments are energy-intensive, relying on power for lighting, computers, appliances, heating, and cooling. This reliance can lead to substantial energy bills each month. However, your business can reduce these costs by simply following the below tips, changing your energy usage patterns and ensuring that you are on cost-effective energy contract.

Energy saving tips for your office

There are numerous ways to reduce your office’s energy bills:

Efficient lighting

Ensure your office makes the most of natural light. When artificial lighting is necessary, use LED bulbs, which are up to 80% more efficient than fluorescent lights. Consider installing timers or motion sensors to ensure lights are not left on unnecessarily.

Computer and equipment usage

Office computers can contribute significantly to electricity bills. Encourage employees to turn off computers and other devices overnight. This simple step can save up to £35 per desk annually.

Optimal heating

Did you know heating accounts for about a third of an office’s annual energy consumption – your office Air con unit can on average use anywhere between 500W to 4,000W an hour, making temperature control the most expensive appliance in the office. To help curb this cost, ensure your thermostats are set between 18-25ºC and avoid opening windows when heating systems are on. Use timers to match heating with office hours and regularly service your boiler for maximum efficiency.

Kitchen equipment

Kitchen appliances, like kettles, can waste a significant amount of electricity. Little changes like encouraging your employees to make group tea or coffee runs can minimise energy use.

Up-to-date appliances

Outdated appliances use more electricity compared to newer, energy-efficient models. Investing in modern appliances can reduce long-term energy costs.


Invest in double-glazed windows and wall insulation to prevent heat loss. This helps to keep your office comfortable and reduces heating energy use.

Going paperless

Reduce printing by adopting digital tools like DocuSign and Google Docs. This not only saves energy but also reduces stationery costs and paper waste.

Switch energy supplier

With offices so dependent on energy, it’s crucial to ensure that your business is on an energy deal tailored to your company needs. If your business hasn’t switched electricity and gas suppliers in years, or ever, you’re likely paying too much for your energy. Businesses that fail to renegotiate at the end of their energy contract are often placed on expensive rollover contracts.

Many companies are aware of the potential savings from switching energy providers but are deterred by the perceived hassle of contacting numerous suppliers and managing the administrative burden of switching.

That’s where we can help – our energy experts will simplify the process for you, helping you switch energy suppliers without the headache. By providing us with a few details about your current supplier, business address, and contact information, you can compare the latest energy prices on the market in seconds. Want to know more about switching? Read our guide to switching energy supplier.

Comprehensive utility management

At Consultiv Utilities, we aim to secure a competitive deal for all your utility bills, not just electricity and gas. Let us help you take control of your utility costs, ensuring you never overpay for your utilities again.

Business Waste Management

Need to simplify your waste collection? No matter your industry our waste experts will guide you through solutions that are directly tailored to your requirements.

Business Water

Did you know your business may be eligible to switch water supplier? Find out if your business qualifies by reaching out to our utility experts today.
