How can energy consultants help your small business?

As a small business owner, you might wonder if hiring an energy consultant is necessary. This may be especially true if your energy requirements seem straightforward. Even so, an energy consultant can serve as a valuable ally. Whether you’re contemplating business growth or striving for carbon neutrality, consultants can give practical insights and recommendations.

But even if these scenarios don’t apply to your business, an energy consultant can still help you save on energy costs.

How? Let’s delve into the details.

What is an energy consultant?

An energy consultant is an expert who uses their knowledge and skills to optimise a business’ energy usage. They identify energy consumption patterns and inefficiencies through thorough research and analysis. Using this information, they procure energy contracts that align with business goals and objectives, while exploring ways to reduce costs. They can also enhance operation efficiency and promote sustainability.

Expertise offered by energy consultants

Depending on your business sector, an energy consultant can offer diverse expertise, including:

  • Helping your business become more energy-efficient
  • Cutting your costs by optimising operational efficiency
  • Managing your energy supply contracts
  • Helping you to visualise your energy usage and consumption patterns
  • Improving your sustainability to reach net-zero targets through the adoption of renewable technology

What does an energy consultant do?

Energy audits

Conduct thorough energy audits to understand how your business uses energy daily. Energy audits help to pinpoint inefficiencies and identify areas incurring the highest costs. This insight is crucial for targeted improvements.

Data analysis

Conduct detailed analysis to uncover usage patterns and gain insights into energy performance. By examining your historical energy bills or employing energy management software, energy consultants can extract new findings about your consumption.

Energy procurement

After analysing your energy consumption, energy consultants can work with their trusted suppliers to secure a deal tailored to your business.

Identify new opportunities

Identify opportunities for improvement – this could involve installing new renewable energy systems, upgrading technologies, reducing operational costs, or implementing strategies to decrease your carbon footprint.

Energy-efficient solutions

Explore various ways to enhance your energy efficiency, ranging from simple adjustments to complex changes in operational infrastructure. For example, upgrading to energy-efficient lighting or implementing self-generated renewable energy through solar panels.

Long-term planning

Future-proof your energy solutions, involving transitioning to technologies that will likely last a long time. These might include renewable energy systems or sustainable procurement practices.

How can an energy consultant help a small business?

Small businesses can benefit significantly from the expertise of an energy consultant. If your energy bills have spiked due to locked-in higher rates, for example, a consultant can conduct an energy audit. They can identify energy-consuming equipment, suggesting improvements, and potentially lower your bills.

By working with an energy consultant, you can redirect your focus and efforts towards efficiently running your business, saving both time and hassle otherwise spent on navigating complex energy issues.

Benefits of hiring an energy consultant

Cost savings

Identify energy inefficiencies, leading to large cost savings over time. Implementing their recommendations can significantly reduce energy bills.

Customised solutions

By understanding the intricacies of your business operations, energy consultants provide tailored solutions unique to your energy needs and goals. This can range from large-scale plans to smaller impactful changes.

Professional advice

As a business owner, you may be unaware of ways you could adjust your energy strategy to maximise savings. By working with an energy consultant, you can be certain you are using the right solution for your energy requirements.

Specific industries benefiting more from energy consultants

Energy-intensive industries with complex needs, such as manufacturing, hospitality, retail, and transportation, stand to benefit the most from energy consultants. With the support of external energy consultant businesses can optimise various aspects of energy management, from heating and cooling systems to lighting and kitchen equipment.

When it’s time to bring in an energy consultant

  • When you see a spike in energy bills
  • When you don’t have time to explore your energy options
  • If you’re confused with energy industry jargon and need some expert support
  • If you are planning to increase your energy consumption
  • If you want to focus on sustainability
  • If you have complex energy needs
  • If you need help with energy procurement


The expertise of an energy consultant goes beyond simple energy needs, offering comprehensive solutions for efficiency, cost savings, and sustainability. Whether you’re a small business looking to streamline operations or a larger enterprise aiming for long-term sustainability, an energy consultant can be a strategic partner in achieving your goals.
